Neighborhoods change for economic reasons, bad decisions years ago, depletion of once-hot industries, underfunded government initiatives, and most of all, greed. We are unable to speak for these factors, but must, at the expense of seeming deaf to their complexities, arrive at a new line of reasoning: that intelligent designers, architects, and community leaders can, with the simple objective of re-beautifying our urban centers: our existing architecture, our ability to host robust plant life, and our proverbial next generation of communities, construct a more thoughtful environment.

The Rebeautification Project has one concern: to increase the general quality of life of people of every origin, race, color, religion, disability, and sex through thoughtful modification of our surroundings.

An aesthetic renaissance.

A rebirth in every small town and city across the land, to inspire pride in our surroundings.

New York Headquarters support@rebeautificationproject.com